Hybrid PCB vs Ceramic PCB

January 13, 2022

Hybrid PCB vs Ceramic PCB: A Comparison

Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) serve as the backbone of most electronic devices as they provide a platform for interconnecting electronic components. PCBs can be made of various materials including fiberglass, ceramic, or even plastic. In this blog post, we will compare two types of PCBs: Hybrid PCBs and Ceramic PCBs. We will explore their similarities, differences, pros, and cons, and the applications they are best suited for.

Hybrid PCBs

Hybrid PCBs are the latest technology in PCBs, offering superior performance in terms of reliability, durability, and efficiency. They are made by combining various materials such as ceramic, FR4, and other resins. Hybrid PCBs deliver the best of both worlds when it comes to performance and cost.

Pros of Hybrid PCBs

  • Better electrical performance than Ceramic PCBs
  • Excellent thermal conductivity
  • Durable and strong
  • Can handle high-frequency signals
  • Cheaper to produce than ceramic PCBs

Cons of Hybrid PCBs

  • Not suitable for high-temperature applications
  • Requires experienced engineers for proper design
  • Processing time can be longer than that of Ceramic PCBs

Applications of Hybrid PCBs

  • Aerospace industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Medical devices
  • High-speed communication equipment

Ceramic PCBs

Ceramic PCBs have been around in the electronics industry for many years. Their popularity stems from their superior thermal conductivity, low expansion, and excellent electrical insulation properties. Ceramic PCBs are made using a ceramic substrate with metal conductive traces.

Pros of Ceramic PCBs

  • High-temperature resistance
  • Good dimensional stability
  • Superior electrical insulation
  • Can be used for high-power applications

Cons of Ceramic PCBs

  • Expensive compared to other PCB types
  • Brittle and fragile
  • Low flexibility
  • Not suitable for high-speed communications

Applications of Ceramic PCBs

  • High-temperature applications
  • Power electronics
  • LED lighting
  • Military equipment


Both hybrid PCBs and ceramic PCBs have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one depends on the application requirements. Hybrid PCBs are suitable for applications that require high-speed signals, efficiency, and durability, while Ceramic PCBs are ideal for high-temperature and high-power applications. When designing a PCB, it is essential to consider factors such as cost, performance, and reliability.

There isn't one clear winner in Hybrid PCB vs. Ceramic PCB comparison, as we've seen that each type is better suited for certain applications. However, with the fast-paced advancements in the electronics industry, it won't be surprising to see a new type of PCB making its entry soon!


  1. Rogers Corporation. (n.d.). Hybrid Multilayer PCB Materials | Rogers Corporation. Retrieved January 12, 2021, from https://www.rogerscorp.com/acs/products/hybrid-pcb-materials
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  3. Lee, J., Lee, H.-W., Kim, S., Kim, S.-H., Hong, Y.-K., & Hwang, K.-S. (2014). Investigations on potential of ceramic PCBs for power electronics packaging applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, 64(1-2), 609–614. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.10.008

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